The Parable of the Prodigal Son – who lost and gained everything! [S02E27]
Most of us are very familiar with the parable of the prodigal son, the third parable found in Luke
chapter 15.
In the first, that of the lost sheep, the lost one is viewed from man’s perspective—as one who suffers and therefore needs salvation. In the second, that of the lost coin, the lost one is viewed from God’s perspective—as one whom He is eager to find. In the third, the prodigal son is viewed from both man’s and God’s perspective—as one who “came to himself”
What did Jesus try to illustrated in all three of the parables found in Luke 15, but especially the last one? The parable of the Prodigal Son shows Christ’s conduct in receiving sinners and to show us that He is waiting for you and I to come back to him.
The three parables are linked in the recovery of the lost. In the first, Christ, as the good Shepherd, lays down His life to save lost sheep. In the second, He works through His church to call sinners to repentance. And in the third, the Father receives His children back after they have gone astray.
The prodigal made a full confession of his sin. He made no excuse for his wrong-doing, and he was forgiven, and re-established in his father’s house.
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