Strength in Scripture

Why should I read the Bible?


Why Should I Read the Bible?

Here are some reasons I have thought about. You may have more. This is only a sampling of how God’s Word can give us answers to our heart questions.

1. I want to learn more about God, our Creator and He speaks through His Word
2. I want to learn how to live a healthier, happier, holier life. His desire is expressed in His Word
3. I want to learn how to represent God in my life and character and He explains how
4. I want to learn how to relate to people in a better way and He explains what it takes
5. I want to learn how to have a godly, happy family and He gives us the pattern
6. I want to learn how to have a better community… a fairer government
7. I want to learn how to avoid the difficulties of life so that I can have less regrets and He printed the warnings
8. I want to learn how to avoid the difficulties of life so that I can have less regrets and He printed the warnings
9. I want to learn what happens after I die and He gives the answers

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